09.11. Esslingen – Hell Over Esslingen
October 23, 2024
Last Show of the Year – and Studio!
This is your last chance to catch us this year: On November 9 we’ll be playing once again at Hell Over Esslingen festival with our friends Conquered Mind and a couple more awesome bands.
After that, we’ll be busy with pre-production before we finally enter the studio in December to record a brand new album. Yay! Watch this space as well as our Insta and Facebook pages for updates …

July 7, 2024
Little Update
We’ve added a show on September 7 in Riedstadt at Wutzdog Festival. We’re happy Wutzdog is back after their hiatus and that we’re able to support this benefit festival at their new location Bensheimer Hof.
Also a heads up that we are planning to enter the studio later this year to record our new LP. We hope you are as excited as we are!

February 4, 2024
New Bushfire Bassist
Yo, BILL here, on behalf of BUSHFIRE.
Well you might have noticed we’ve been off the radar for quite some time. And trust me, it’s not been easy.
Understanding. For me this means in these almost 20 years as a BUSHFIRE member, in this band you must have a love for music and share with other musicians, musical ideas, a common ground and goal so to say. Sometimes that’s tougher than you’d think. As a lyricist, I depend on the music to drive me into the emotional journey so I can reflect and convey, if nothing but, a feeling. I can only assume every musician has exactly that feeling no matter the instrument. Dependance, on one another. We take a journey together and it’s tough sometimes. I’m nothing without my band. Well ok, a poet maybe.
As always in life, things change. Our bassist and good buddy Vince, has decide to depart from the BUSHFIRE saga, on his own terms and personal reasons. It lay heavy in our hearts but understanding is key. We wish him nothing but the best.
From Vinz:
“When I joined Bushfire I was a fan of the band. I had seen them in 2012, playing a gig in Das Bett in Frankfurt and I thought “This is the music I would like to play!”. Fast forward a couple of years and I was waking up at 6 every morning to practice dozens of songs after Billorone had asked me: “Do you have time for a 2 weeks tour of the Balkans?”. It has been 10+ years of efforts and rewards, sacrifices and satisfactions, sweat and thrills, passionate fights and passionate harmonies, crazy highway trips, long stage-time waits, amazing concerts. I leave now because I need to find a new perspective, you know when sometimes a cycle must close? I will stay a Bushfire fan. I wish you good luck, guys, and I bow one last time to all the people that have been supporting us all along. Rock on!”
As bittersweet as this may be, we are excited to announce and love to re-welcome NICK (Nicolas Kurz)!

Nick has shared the stage with us though the years with countless heroes of music. We have a history, it’s comforting. Between (2011-2013) (recorded: Heal Thy Self), we’ve crossed Europe, destroying minds and ears along the way. It’s amazing to have him back for the support and journey. So raise a glass to our brothers return!
That being said, We’ve been focusing on our new album diligently. Our goal is to record, produce and release this album this year. Determined to take a new journey and return to the light, love, family, friends and stage that we’ve been so greatly missing.
Understanding is key.
See you very soon.
October 23, 2023
Thank You Desertfest!

Yeah, thank YOU: all of the people involved in making this massive, perfectly organized festival happen, all the stage, sound and light crew, bar & catering & merch people and, most of all, everybody attending our and all the other amazing concerts at Desertfest Antwerp 2023. We just had a blast!
It was a heavy and exhausting weekend, with a secret birthday party show on Saturday (thanks Kolja & Johanna!), the long drive to Antwerp, playing an electrifying concert, and all the way back home to Darmstadt. And we loved every minute of it!
For the next months we´ll be focusing on writing – but we´ll be back in 2024. Rock on!
September 6, 2023
Desertfest Antwerp 2023
Great news: We will be playing at this year’s edition of the legendary Desertfest in Antwerp, Belgium! Catch us there on Sunday, October 22!

May 20, 2023
Signs of Life
Yes, BUSHFIRE is still very much alive! We’re working on new material and will hopefully release something this year (or maybe later…) In the meantime catch us at the shows we’ll be playing over the next months.
Peace out!
May 18, 2022
🤘🏼WELCOME LUIS !! 🤘🏼 So yes, we’re still around, and we’re beyond happy to finally introduce you to Luis, our new rockin’ man on the rhythm guitar. Watch out for shows and new material here in 2022!
(Pic by Thomas Kurek)
February 26, 2020
A little Update
We are very much alive and well and carrying on even with losing our brother Marcus as a band member.
This means that we are spending some time on focusing on ourselves and taking our time to find out where this adventure is taking us next. We will be playing some shows, with friends helping out (which is also an amazing thing to do), until we figure out who we’d be honored to invite into the band. See you soon!
October 14, 2019
+++ Statement: Marcus is leaving the band +++
Hey guys, this is Marcus writing, I need to share something with you…
German version (for English version scroll down):
Liebe Freunde,
schweren Herzens habe ich mich entschieden, meine geliebte Band Bushfire, die einen Großteil meines bisherigen Lebens mitbestimmte, zu verlassen.
Die Gründe sind privater Natur und werden daher hier nicht weiter erörtert. Um es grob zu umschreiben: es hat sich einfach in den letzten 7-8 Jahren so unheimlich viel bei mir verändert, dass es mir momentan unmöglich ist, die Band weiterzuführen.
Böses Blut innerhalb der Band gibt es zum Glück nicht. Auch wenn ich verstehen kann, dass ich es meiner zweiten Familie, die ich vor 15 Jahren mitgegründet habe, nicht leicht mache wenn ich aussteige. Ich hoffe inständig, dass die Jungs ihren Weg finden werden.
Es tut weh. Es fühlt sich in etwa so an, wie wenn man eine langjährige Beziehung beendet.
Es tut weh wenn man an all die großartigen Momente und Erfahrungen denkt, die man mit dieser Band sammeln durfte.
Es tut weh, weil man soviel aufgebaut, Kraft, Zeit und Anstrengungen investiert hat… all das lässt man plötzlich hinter sich liegen.
Aber es muss sein.
Ich halte großartige Aufnahmen in der Hand, auf die ich stolz bin. Ich bin dankbar für meine Freunde, mit denen ich diese Songs für die Ewigkeit schreiben und aufnehmen durfte. Ich bin dankbar für all die schönen, aber auch für die schwierigen Zeiten, die mir mehr Lebenserfahrung geschenkt haben.
Ich bin dankbar für die bereisten, fremden Länder und Städte, die vielen neugewonnen Freunde und die wertvollen Menschen, die ich kennenlernen durfte.
Ich bin dankbar für das alles.
Bill, Miguel, Vince, Sascha: you‘re my brothers. I love you.
An alle Supporter: unsere Anniversary Show zum 15-jährigen Bandbestehen am 16.11.2019 wird meine letzte Show als Gitarrist bei Bushfire sein. Ich würde mich freuen, soviele wie möglich von Euch dort zu sehen.
Danach werde ich erstmal von der „Musik-Bildfläche“ verschwinden.
Danke für tolle 15 Jahre Bushfire und danke für 25 Jahre Live Musik on Stage ohne Pause,
Dear friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I’ve taken the decision to leave my beloved band Bushfire, which has been a huge part of my life so far. This is for personal reasons, which I don’t feel like elaborating too much at this point. But to give you an idea: in the last 7-8 years there have been so many changes in my life that it feels impossible for me to carry on with the band right now. Fortunately there’s no bad blood at all within the band – even though I understand that by leaving I’m not making it easy for my second family, a band of which I was one of the founders 15 years ago. It is my sincere wish that the boys carry on and find their way.
It hurts though. Just like ending a long term relationship. It hurts remembering all the great moments and adventures I was able to experience with this band. It hurts because of all the energy, time and effort invested… all that you just leave behind. But there’s no other way.
I have these great recordings in my hand, of which I’m proud. I’m grateful for my friends with whom I’ve had the chance to write and record these songs for eternity. I’m grateful for all the good and also difficult times that have added to my life experience. I’m grateful for all the countries and cities we traveled to, for new friends and valuable humans I’ve had the pleasure to get to know. I’m so grateful for all of that.
Bill, Miguel, Vince, Sascha: you‘re my brothers. I love you.
To all our supporters: our 15 year band anniversary show on the 16 of November 2019 will be my last show as a Bushfire guitarist. I’d be happy to see as many as as possible there. After that I’ll be on a music hiatus.
Thanks for 15 great years of Bushfire and thanks for 25 uninterrupted years of live music on stage.
February 26, 2019
Shop information
Some items (like our latest When Darkness Comes T-Shirt e.g.) are out of stock and temporary unavailable. We will inform you when the new charge has arrived. Thanks for your understanding.
February 9, 2019
Shop update: Magnets!
click here: https://www.bushfiremusic.com/online-shop
January 27, 2019
show updates 2019
September 14, 2018
Pyramid Strings Endorsement
We‘re happy to announce that we‘ve found a partner for strings and picks in Pyramid Strings Germany. Welcome onboard!
August 2, 2018
New Videos added!
Ladies & Terminators, we’ve been busy… you might have noticed that we’ve released a video for the song “Die Trying” a couple of weeks ago. This video has been added to the media page.
Now… very fresh news… yesterday we’ve released our latest video “Shelter”, check it out here or in the media section. Thanks to Waref for the great work and everybody who participated of making this happen! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
March 12, 2018
Ladies and gentlemen, the brand new zipped hoodies have been added to our shop!
We‘re selling them for 25€ plus shipping.
Small WDC silkscreen print on the front, big silkscreen print on the back, color black, brand Fruit of the Loom.
Happy shopping!
January 28, 2018
When Darkness Comes Vinyl added to the shop!
Words really can’t express our love and devotion to the ROCK FREAKS at the VORTEX in Siegen! It was an honor and privilege to showcase our latest album release, WHEN DARKNESS COMES, with our friends and family on this RAWKIN evening, THANK YOU for the ever warming hospitality and professionalism! We miss you already as we head down the highway, reminiscing the explosive evening we experienced and shared together with our extended family! A super big shoutout to DIRTY SOUND MAGNET & TERROTIKA for the sonic support! Future shows already in the works!
Siegen!! You RAWK! Thank you so much and we see us soon at FREAKVALLEY!
Crazy Love, BF!
For all you guys who couldn’t be there last night… OUR VINYL HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY RELEASED!
You can order the 180g heavy LP through our online shop… NOW!
The first 300 copies are numbered in blood, digital download codes are included.
January 7, 2018
Vinyl numbering
Yesterday we spent some time to hand number the first 300 copies of our latest vinyl… in blood! That’s a bushfire tradition as you might know.
Here’s the process:
1. create and print out 300 download codes
2. put a needle into Bill‘s veins and suck some blood
3. mix the blood with red ink
4. unpack 300 vinyls while wearing gloves to prevent finger prints
5. number the LPs
6. let them dry, put a sticker and a download code into the sleeve
7. pack the LPs
Funny side note: the last times it hasn’t been a problem to get Bill‘s blood. This time we‘ve had about 20 tries with two different sizes of needles until we could get any blood out of the old man. Lucky us! We thought he is already dead for a second… so if you meet him in the next days: no mosquito trip, no junkie shit! Just band effort!
January 6, 2018
Ticket sale vinyl release party
Get your tickets for our upcoming „When Darkness Comes“ VINYL RELEASE PARTY – January 27th in Siegen!
January 5, 2018
HEAVY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! Hope you’ll catch us at a show in 2018!
Right after entering the new year we’ve got to know about a very nice compliment from Spain… Best top ten albums of the year 2017, #2… are you serious? Thank you, you rawk!
Click here for more information!
December 2, 2017
Shop is online!
Ladies & Gentlemen,
our online shop is ready to be used! You‘ll get all items also at our upcoming shows of course.
The new WHEN DARKNESS COMES vinyl will be added after our LP release show on January 27th at the Vortex in Siegen!
December 1, 2017
Time to GIVE!!
Geben macht glücklich.
Über den kompletten Monat Dezember gibt es diesen Song als Single hier zum Download. Alle Einnahmen spenden wir an:
Gerne darfst du auch mehr spenden: Indem wir German Doctors helfen, helfen wir Menschen, die es bitter nötig haben. Schau dir ihre Website an, informier dich und denk daran: Wenn wir die Welt ein wenig besser machen wollen, müssen wir bei uns selbst anfangen. Wenn du nichts zum Spenden über hast, dann teile doch einfach diesen Link. Danke für deine Hilfe!
We believe in giving.
So for the full month of December we will have this BF track as a single and all purchases and proceeds will be donated to:
Please feel free to donate more if you can, German Doctors need our help to help those who really need it. Go to the website and inform yourself and remember, if we want to make this world a better place it starts with you! If you cant afford to donate, that’s ok too, just share this page link on any social media outlet. thanks for any help!
November 15, 2017
What a great release party… because of you! A sold out show, awesome people… what can we say? THANK YOU!
It’s still taking a while before we will release our online shop. If you wanna order a CD of “When Darkness Comes” before our shop is released please get in touch: info@bushfiremusic.com, subject “CD order WDC”. CD 12€, shipping in Germany 2,50€.
October 18, 2017
New Website!
Welcome to the new page!
We’ve been busy getting a lot done in the past months so sorry for all the silence. As you may have heard we are releasing our new album “WHEN DARKNESS COMES” on 27.10.17 in the Krone, here in Darmstadt, with our good buddies from Terrotika (https://www.facebook.com/Terrotika), who will preform the after show party! Don’t miss it! It will be a CD release only because the vinyl production companies are way overbooked, and that’s a good thing if you think about it. Once the vinyls have arrived we will have a second release in Siegen at the Vortex 27.01.18 if all goes as planned. Fingers crossed. Again we will have the first 300 of them numbered in blood and preordering will begin in December.
While away, we have had some time to organize some visual entertainment for some of the new tracks as well, so have a look. Just click the links. The first, although not the album version, this live recorded and filmed version really does capture “The Conflict” perfectly. Filmed by the Terrotika film crew and recorded by Rene Hofmann. https://
…Next up, “Zombi” this totally animated gem captures the essence of the track to the T. In collaboration with DADIVE STUDIOS (https://www.facebook.com/dadivestudio), we created a lyric video that hits the nail on the head, call it a sign of the times if you will. https://
…Now, just recently released, in this next video we tried to lighten up the mood a bit and have a laugh on ourselves. We truly could not have pulled this off without the help of some good friends and the SCHNITTSACHE FILM STUDIOS (https://www.facebook.com/schnittsache). It took a lot of planning and a lot of organizing and approvals to get the planets to align for the video “DIE TRYING” but it came together perfectly and we hope you can have as much fun viewing as we had filming. https://
So snoop around the site and don’t forget to check out our tour dates (more TBA) and the merch store for all the latest goodies that we have to offer.
See you out there! BUSHFIRE